The Business Claims Department (Β2Β) was created by CYCLE S.A., namely a subsidiary of ICAP, group of companies, with a view to exclusively manage the debt cases of your corporate clients of any legal form. The market has broadly accepted the Business Claims Department since, in light of the financial crisis, the optimization of the claims’ management process has now become one of the priorities of every company.
CYCLE S.A. manages its Partners’ claims by:
- Fully respecting each Partner’s Credit and Commercial Policy
- Setting Management Rules to be followed with the each time desirable flexibility
- Negotiating the debt’s repayment terms and closely following the attendance of the agreed terms
- Setting as a main priority the compliance to the credit period that each Partner has himself set to his clients, while at the same time offering the capacity for supervised interventions, always further to Cycle’s close communication with its Partner
- Promptly informing its Partner, as soon as even the slightest suspicion of a potential problem or complication is perceived
- Co-operating with a carefully selected staff which has experience and expertise in the relevant field, with a view to achieve the highest quality of the rendered services
- Following specific procedures which have measurable results, with a view to facilitate the relevant appraisals by the Company’s Management – Partner
- Seeking to the reduction of any fraudulent cases to the extent possible.
- Reduction of the timeline for the claims’ repayment, which in turn results to the reduction of the company’s funding requirements in relation to working capital and short term loans
- Reduction of any unsafe claims as well as reduction of the additional costs that the relevant legal procedures will entail
- Improvement of the management of the relationship with the clients to the extent any collection issues are concerned, with a view to avoid the relevant disputes with a doubtful outcome
- Improvement of the Competitiveness via the reduction of the lending costs and of the avoidance of the costs that unsafe claims entail
- Creation of specific rules for the Claims’ Management of each clients’ category, on the basis the client’s specific Commercial Policy and by allowing the evaluation of the relevant deviations from the set rules.